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I was 16 and was the biggest dork in school. Always made fun of and bullied just for being different and everyone knows different is unacceptable in school. I attended summer school even though I got good grades because it helped graduating come quicker.
Well my junior year we got a new summer anal porno school teacher in – Ms. B. Never actually got her real name. But let me get to the beginning and how it all started before I get to the sex cause foreplay to me is just as important as the thrusting.
First off let me say she was one of the best teachers I have ever had and not just a piece of ass. To this day I can still remember some of the phrases she spoke aloud in class about life and other things in general. I still to this day cannot explain it – why I never had trouble recalling any of the things she said or how she explained history which I hate with a passion rivaled by a fat kids love for twinkies. Actually its most likely because she taught with something I think most teachers lose, namely common sense. All her answers and questions just fit together like a jigsaw puzzle so that to me I had no trouble recalling any of what was said in the classroom.
I even recall the conversation we had that led up to my situation:
“Dave, why don’t you take notes?”
“Cause I don’t need to.”
“Everyone needs to take notes because there is so much information.”
“No really I don’t need to I couldn’t forget what you say even if I tried.”
At this I got a big ‘ooooooohhhhhh’ call from the class and just want to point out that it was not sexual in any way my comment. I had meant it in an instructor-student way and that is the truth on my life I swear.
“Ok class enough. So if I gave you last weeks homework assignment you could answer the questions correctly right now?”
“Probably. I might miss one or two but how many would you give me Mrs.-”
“Its Ms thank you I am not married or seeing anyone.”
So I do the assignments and nothing happens. I figure I failed miserably even though I was sure I had gotten all the answers right. Finally finals come and its time for school to be almost over.
She hands me a separate test than the rest of the class and says begin – I blew through the test in like 15 mins and it was suppose to take like 1 1/2 hrs or something like that…
When I approach she asks if I have a question to which I reply No I am finished. Thought you said it was gonna be hard.
She grades it right then while I am sitting there. The bell rings and people are looking at me all funny. “Dave stay after class I need to see you.”
‘oh someones in trouble oooohhhh’ so I am thinking great what coudl I have possibly screwed up I knew all my answers were right.
So the students leave and school is done for the day and she comes and sits on the edge of my desk.
I still remember what she was wearing which I will post in part 2 cause I dont want this to be too long. Let me know if you wanna hear how it ends.